Working Papers
Equal Prices, Unequal Access: The Effects of National Pricing in the US Life Insurance Industry
Using a structural model of multi-region life insurers, I find that national pricing regulation distorts the allocation of life insurance services across geographic regions, exacerbating spatial inequality for low-income households.
Conference Presentations: NBER Insurance Working Group Meeting (2024) - AFA Annual Meeting (01/2025)
Banks in Space with Ezra Oberfield, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, and Nicholas Trachter
Bank branch networks feature spatial sorting driven by span of control concerns, balance sheet mismatch, and geographic distance. We build a model of multi-branch banks that captures these characteristics and verify the predictions of the model using the geographic deregulation of the US banking industry as a laboratory.
Conference Presentations: Barcelona Summer Forum (2024)* - Society for Economic Dynamics Annual Meeting (2024)* - NBER Summer Institute, International Trade & Investment Workshop (2024)* - Minnesota Macro Conference (2024)* - NFA Annual Meeting (09/2024)
*: co-author presentation